14 years of growth optimization in chemical vapor transport (CVT) as well as flux growth lead to our flawless WS2 crystals
Natural MoS2 is an indirect gap semiconductor (1.2 eV) but becomes highly luminescent in the monolayer from at 1.9 eV (quasi-particle / optical band gap).
Our TiS2 crystals are stabilized in 1T ohase (semimetallic phase).
Single crystal ReS₂ (Rhenium disulfide) crystals are developed at our facilities using chemical vapor transport or flux zone technique methods after 9 years of growth optimization to ensure anisotropi
14 years of growth optimization in chemical vapor transport (CVT) as well as flux growth lead to our flawless WS2 crystals: Our large size (~1cm in size) vdW WS2 crystals are treated as gold standards
Hafnium disulfide (HfS₂) is an indirect gap layered semiconductor in the bulk and becomes direct gap semiconductor in monolayer form.
上海巨纳科技有限公司 公司地址:上海市虹口区宝山路778号海伦国际大厦5楼 技术支持:化工仪器网扫一扫 更多精彩